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+30 210 96 40 340

Arhipelagous 68Β, 165 62 Glyfada

+30 2610 32 07 44

Kapodistriou 41, 26 222 Patra



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    Bird Repulsive Service

    Some birds such as pigeons, gulls, starlings, etc. causing serious problems at environment. Diseases spread through their droppings  at balconies, air conditions etc.
    The fingus Histoplasma capsulatum causes histoplasmatic alergy that appears with flu symptoms. They also transmit many harmful health pests such as fleas, lice, bedbugs, ticks, etc.  They destroy building materials because of their acidic droppings.

    The bird reppellent could be done by experienced technical staff personnel while selecting the right treatment for their solution given after careful study of the peculiarities of each space and the problem.  Pins, nets, electric repulsion system, intimidation items anh other could be used.

    Net Installation Systems


    Pins Repulsive System
    Optical avian repellent in the form of gel.

    Pre-packed and ready for use in a disc of 12,5gr.

    Repels all birds because of the illusion of fire being. The active ingredients of the composition (a special edible natural oils) do not affect and do not harm the birds, people and materials in buildings.

    Highly effective, act naturally, without creating problems for birds and the environment. It has long duration of action as repellent ability now lasts two years. It can be used everywhere.

    At the link below you can watch a short video showing the reaction of pigeons after placing PROTECTA BIRD FREE Optical gel in a chimney and consistent results after three years.


    Mounting Repellent Gel


    Apart from the above and most widespread ways, for bird repulsion in specific cases used:

    • Ultrasound devices
      Reproduce sounds at specific frequencies and listening only scare the birds. Use indoors and outdoors


    • Devices with scare sounds
      Commercial bio-acoustic bird repelling systems. Extremely effective as operating a playback distress cries (distress calls) to the repelling birds. Suitable for large spaces such as buildings, warehouses, factories, hotels, swimming pools, but also farms, airports, marinas and other public places. Fully expandable with additional loudspeakers. Available cries for a variety of bird species, indicatively mention pigeons, sparrows, gulls, starlings, magpies, blackbirds etc.


    • Plastic films intimidation                                                                                                                                         Plastic iridescent intimidation movies / removal of small birds. Very effective, suitable for use on balconies, trees, gardens, courtyards etc. 

    Contact us so our qualified personnel with experience in similar bird repulsion projects,  will visit you and  wil give you a financial offer for the most comprehensive and permanent solution.



    Register to our Newsletter and get our offers.

    [email protected]

    +30 2109640340

    +30 6942 56 55 55

    Arhipelagous 68Β, 165 62 Glyfada

    +30 2610 32 07 44

    Kapodistriou 41, 26 222 Patra


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